Reach Out Today Reach Out Today

I would love to dance like Karen Kain, so when I saw Stewart Moracen’s sign on Queen Street describing his dance exercise class for adults, I thought this kind of dancing might be what I’m looking for. I’ve tried exercise classes in the past, sometimes with friends, but I keep checking my watch, surprised by how slowly it goes. Invited by the sign, I dropped in to Stewart’s class, and finished it without checking my watch at all. The music was a delightful mix of show tunes, rhythmic dance music and lyrical pieces. It was fun and the group was welcoming. The class begins with stretches, then eases into the dance portion, winding down with balance and flexibility movements and mindful yoga to finish. I learned some basic dance steps and even the occasional turn, so it’s a work out for my brain too. When my husband retired he also began attending the classes regularly, and enjoys the exercise, stretching, music and socializing.

Stewart recently moved his classes to Cresswell Dance Academy on Queen Street East near Wineva. We moved around the room claiming our own spot, so I looked for the most flattering mirror in the studio. While I still don’t look or dance like Karen Kain, it’s great exercise and we have a lot of fun.

And then afterwards, some of us go for coffee!

Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday @ 10:00 am
