We’re in this together. We have lived and worked in this community for four generations, so the health and welfare of our community is vitally important to us and as such we remain committed to supporting the Michael Garron Hospital Foundation.

supporting the michael garron hospital foundation

We want to thank you, our clients and the community, every time you work with DeClute Real Estate a donation is made to The Michael Garron Hospital Foundation. This means new beds, more private rooms and better care for our community’s most vulnerable.

One and a half of the floors of the new Ken and Marilyn Thomson Patient Care Centre are dedicated to child, adolescent and adult mental health inpatient facilities. Ensuring those in our community who need it, receive the most compassionate care possible. Supporting this cause means a lot to us so thank you for working with us. By doing so you are directly helping Michael Garron Hospital continue to provide better for our community.

We also want to thank all of our healthcare heroes, front-line workers and support service providers. Their dedication, long hours and ongoing response to our community during the COVID-19 pandemic is inspiring.

Our clients enable us to give back and support the community we all love. With your help, to date we’ve donated over $190,000 to Michael Garron Hospital – that’s the equivalent of seven new beds for members of our community who need it most.

Supporting the Michael Garron Hospital Foundation is a cause that’s close to our hearts. Thank you for making it possible.

Reach out to work with us and support our community…