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In the heart of The Beach, The Belgian Chocolate Shop is a beloved spot that embodies community and tradition. From the rich history of its owners to the meticulous craftsmanship that goes into each chocolate treat, this place is a true gem.

For 40 years, owner Patricia Cohrs has crafted handmade chocolates and has won the hearts of her customers. Her story is one of love, passion, and tradition. Patricia’s journey began in Belgium where she grew up next door to her future husband. As they grew older, their friendship blossomed into romance, and they eventually moved to Canada together. With a background in chocolate making, further enhanced by training in Vancouver and Brussels, Patricia’s passion for chocolate grew stronger.

Describing the community where their chocolate shop now thrives, Patricia warmly praises, “The Community here is amazing.” Recalling their decision to settle in Toronto, originally aimed towards Quebec, she elaborates, “We stopped in Toronto just to kind of take a break, and we saw The Beach and there was it, it was like, we’re home. When the couple decided to open their own chocolate shop, they did so without a business plan. “We just started with lots of love and enthusiasm,” Patricia recalls, “and people responded so well.” The couple’s shop has become a neighbourhood staple, attracting loyal customers who appreciate the quality and authenticity of their handmade chocolates.

One of Patricia’s cherished stories dates back to their early days renting a small place on Queen Street, near a school. “Kids would come and drop their change on the counter, asking, ‘What can I get for this?'” Patricia reminisced. “They could barely reach the counter, and while we never gave them anything for free, we always made sure to give them something.” Fast forward to today, many of these patrons now visit the shop with their children and even grandchildren, creating a cycle of tradition and nostalgia that transcends generations. Patricia has also kept a golden book filled with testimonials from loyal customers. “One person wrote, ‘I have eaten your chocolate all my life,'” Patricia fondly recalls.

Despite her success, Patricia’s thoughts are also occupied with the challenges of running a small business. Working alongside her son, who is now trained as a chocolatier, Patricia reflects on his future “he’s going to have to kind of figure out what he wants to do with the skill he has acquired, whether he wants to use it to continue” she muses. “There’s no plan right now. Just, as long as I enjoy it and I’m able to do it, it’s the best job I can do.”

Toronto chocolatiers have recently faced rising ingredient prices, especially cocoa. Despite this, The Belgian Chocolate Shop remains committed to maintaining the shop’s quality and tradition while staying connected to the community.

As The Belgian Chocolatier, Patricia Cohrs reflects on the milestone 40th anniversary of the beloved chocolate shop. When asked about her ambition, Patricia humbly replied, “I define my ambition as having enough just to make a living, to make everyone happy and keeping the same quality and, keeping the same tradition.”

Visit The Belgian Chocolate Shop at 2455 Queen Street East and immerse yourself in a world of delightful handcrafted chocolates!

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